JJZolx;281126 Wrote: 
> Maybe a little more in the way of links for beginners... "Installing
> SqueezeCenter", "How to get Help".
> A direct link or two to the Developers' area might be be good.
> The index of all the pages is pretty much useless.  Not a bad thing to
> have, but no need for a link at the top level.
> You might list Pandora, Rhapsody, Slacker and etc. under Services.
> FAQs?  Maybe that's another topic - whether FAQs should be contained
> and maintained in the Wiki.  The current FAQ system is pretty bad. 
> Most or all frequently asked questions will be answered in some depth
> within the Wiki.  Following a short answer to the question, links to
> additional info in the Wiki could be provided.

We are definitely looking to simplify the process of finding valuable
info, so using descriptive categories would be a good idea.

I was also thinking of importing all of the Owner's Guide / User Guides
as non-editable pages in the wiki, putting them under a "Documenation"
or "Manuals" category.  This would be in addition to the PDF versions,
so would this be overkill in your estimation?

On the question of FAQs, I'm not 100% sure yet.  Right now, Logitech's
official FAQs are maintained by our Worldwide Customer Support group,
so they can be translated, etc.   I'd love to have community
involvement in developing, improving and maintaining them, but I don't
yet know if we can make that happen.  Certainly something to think

-=> Jim


"well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that."  --
BKlaas' college buddy
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