I have 5 SBs (3xSB2,1xSB2 & 1 SBR) and for me sync is important although
only mainly for 2 of these the Kitchen (SB2) and Living room (SB3).
Additionally though two more also downstairs in my wife's office (SB2)
and my cubby hole (SBR) are, by default, synced to the other two when

Gapless sync would be nice but does not account for a significant
element of my listening. 

The improvements in sync in SC7 have been much appreciated by me and
currently I am 1.5 hours into a BBC listen again (Terry Wogan) on the
two main synced SBs and there appears to be no drift between them.

For a few months last year I toyed with the idea of moving to a Sonos
system  and did go and have a look and listen to a system but I
realised that I would miss the display and could not justify the
outlay. The Duet Controller was the final element that pulled me back.
(And I'm very pleased with my SBR & SBC).

I also have a small system using my two old SB1s in our holiday
apartment in France. Sync is not a requirement there although I'm
confident it would work fine as it did when I used these back in the


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