peterw;287043 Wrote: 
> Pardon my pedantry... Off and Pause are different. Turn off a player
> that's been synced with another player and the other player keeps going
> through the playlist. Pause a player that's been synced with another
> player and the whole sync group goes silent and maintains the current
> position in the playlist.

:) heh, I knew as soon as I typed that it wouldn't go without
comment...yes, quite so...Off = Pause is an oversimplification to be
sure. Perhaps a different answer would be: "for the typical user,
'player off' is a feature that doesn't really add much value except too
provide the comfortable convention of 'off'".

I use IRBlaster, so player off turns off my amp, so it has added
meaning for me as well.



"the Nokia770 skin guy"
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