Espen wrote:
> I do no have neither the Controller nor SC available right now.  Is
> there a 
> way to prevent the automatic firmware updates? Sometimes it is not 
> convenient to have to wait for the update to finish or the current
> firmware 
> does everything one wants. Sometimes I manage to get out of the "update
> available" screen, but not always (that might be a bug it itself). 
> For me, the best would be that the server download to the latest
> firmware 
> automatically combined with some sort of manual check for update action
> on 
> the remote.

I agree, there should be a cancel option. It's can be very annoying if 
you just want to play music and are forced thru a minutelong 
updateprocess first. I was a betatester and there were lots of forced 
updates then. That comes with the territory, but the retail product 
should really have the option to postpone updates to a more convenient time.


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