agbagb;290380 Wrote: 
> Question - is there any chance that gapless playback *can* be supported
> for synch'd players in some future release.  Or is that asking too much
> of the art of the possible?
Glad that the simple solution meets your needs -- I didn't know if you
were one of those "I demand sync'd gapless now or I'll sue!"

Btw, lots of code was re-written for SC7 to make sync much more
reliable than it was in 6.x. Yes, there is a chance that sync'd gapless
playback will be supported in the future, but I understand that it's
Really Really Hard (tm). SC currently keeps players in sync by
re-syncing them between tracks, which takes a short blip of time (or a
longer blip if conditions are unfavorable, like underpowered server,
weak wireless, etc.). I suspect gapless sync would require more
thinking ahead on the part of SC. I think it's on the devs' to do list,
but not very close to the top right now.

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