bl243 wrote:
> One thing that is annoying me though is that the LED on the receiver is
> painfully bright.  It draws the eye away from everything else in the
> room.  Is it possible to dim it?  Or even better disable it
> altogether?

I have mine is living space, so it doesn't bother me all that much.

But in general, I completely agree. Everything is electronic and 
everything has one or more insanely bright LED that does nothing but say 
"I'm alive" when I can tell if a TV is working by looking at it, a radio 
by listening. There is no point, yet everything has them.

Light pollution!

And what is with the 'blue' LEDs on everything. I know, its "new" and 
other colors are so last century. Have you noticed that its really hard 
to focus on a blue LED? Something about the color not working with human 
eyes. Red and green can be sharp, while a blue one next to red or green 
is fuzzy.

Even the dimmer that I use for the lamp next to my bed has a bright LED. 

Pat Farrell

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