iPhone wrote:
> peter;293832 Wrote: 
>> abd08 wrote:
>>> Heya!
>>> iPhone, I think you hit on what I was thinking - one remote for
>>> EVERYTHING! Oh well... 2 remotes isn't too bad ;-)
>> Sounds great in theory... But my SBC lasts about 2 days max on a
>> charge. 
>> My Harmony lasts for months on a charge. I'm betting the hybrid you
>> guys 
>> are waiting for won't do better than the SBC.
>> In that case I'd rather stay with the two devices.
>> Regards,
>> Peter
> I am getting about 4 days out of my SBC on a full charge. The longest I
> have gone on my Harmony 1000 between charges is 8 days and that was a
> slow DVD/TV week. The 1000 goes on the charger about every 4 days also.
> I think the bigger display on the 1000 probably has a lot to do with it.
> Plus the 1000 wakes up every time it is moved no matter if you need it
> to or not.
> If the two devices were merged, the unit would probably be bigger then
> the 1000 and could then get a larger battery so it might be able to go
> a whole week.
> My personal opinion on battery life between charges is that the
> designer knows that most people do not stay up for 48 hours straight.
> This allows for the unit to go into the cradle and get a good charge
> while humans sleep!

That's the minimum AFAIAC, but it's very nice that we still have devices 
that don't need recharges for months like my BT mouse and my Harmony 525.


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