After a few hours of poking and prodding, SC 7.0 is playing nicely with
my XP box, but one nagging problem removes some of fun from this
otherwise HUGE step up in GUI. I like to browse by album art, sorted by
artist/album. SC web gui always defaults to the home page - OK fine, I
click albums and wait...and wait...and wait...half a minute or more
later, the thumbnails of my 400 albums finally finish trickling in. I
am assuming these are cached in such a way as to load quickly, but this
ain't happening. Is it wrapped up in the cookies that SC now uses to
track preferences (a very bad idea on many levels, a simple gui
preferences page would be WAY more friendly and easy to alter).
Where/how is the art cached stored and accessed? Even miserable old
Itunes loads the album art in a flash...

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