I fear I may be digging up a can of worms given all the other
discussions about the treatment of ARTIST, ALBUMARTIST and COMPILATION
tags, but I haven't found any other threads about this particular
issue....so I thought I would take the risk of raising it now.

As background, I am running 7.0.1 on Mac OS X 10.5.3.  I have 'Group
compilation albums together' and 'List albums by band' set.

As far as I understand, when browsing by ARTIST only those artists that
have a (non-compilation) album in their own name are listed,  ie an
ARTIST that appears only on, say, one track on a compilation album
(ALBUMARTIST=Various Artists) does not show in the browsing list. 
Compilation Albums are listed together under 'Various Artists'.

This much I am happy with as it massively reduces the size of the
'Browse by Artist' list and restricts it to the 'main' artists in my

However, when I Search for Artists on the Controller it seems to
restrict the search only to this reduced list. I would much prefer
'Search' to search for ALL Artists, ie even those not included in the
'Browse' list.

As an example, the other night I was asked 'Do you have any Ian Dury in
your collection'.  I duly searched for the Artist Ian Dury and the
Controller told me I had 'no search results'.  However, on further
investigation, I do have a couple of tracks by Ian Dury on a couple of
compilation albums.  Both these tracks have ARTIST=Ian Dury and
ALBUMARTIST=Various Artists and COMPILATION=Yes and are listed fine
when I managed to find the album and browse through its tracks.

Could 'Search' be broadened to search ALL artists, or should I be doing
something differently to achieve this?

Many thanks


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