simbo;320372 Wrote: 
> Maybe I'm being dumb, but when browsing by Artist I can't seem to find
> an option to list all tracks by that artist. If you don't know which
> album a track belongs to it becomes a pain to find.
> I would expect the current "Play All" option when you select an Artist
> to read "List All". Selecting this option would display all tracks for
> that artist, or hitting Play on this option would play all tracks as
> per the current implementation.
> Am I missing something? Has this come up before but my forum search
> powers have left me?
> Cheers.

There is a sorty of way to do this.

Select the artist using the music librabry.

Select play all songs and you will see a list of all the tracks by that
artist in album order on the right hand (status side).  

I hope that is helpful.


Transporter/Audio Research SP9/Bryston ST4/Magneplanar MG1.6QR
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