moley6knipe;320708 Wrote: 
> Ha ha!  I nearly added "apart from Linux!"
> I'm holding out for a Mac.  Got to budget for buying my wife a Windows
> laptop at the same time though!!

I should have been more specific: Linux Ubuntu! Save your money and buy
a nice Intel Box and run Ubuntu. This way instead of the Mac you have a
better machine and can afford to buy the wife a better laptop. Its a
win-win deal!


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Bedroom: SB3, NAD C370, Thiel 2.3
Home Office: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, VSM-1 Sigs
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5
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