mherger;320824 Wrote: 
> > Why can't I simply drag music files from my computer/music folder
> into
> > the playlist?
> Because the machine running SC doesn't always have access to the
> computer  
> you want to drag files around. Imagine running SC on machine A while  
> working on machine B. A can't access files on B. (Well, it could be
> done,  
> but it's not an easy feat).
> Michael

The best way, and I believe the most common way SC is used, is to have
SC and the music library on one machine. Dragging and dropping the
music files would be done in SC. Since SC has access to the music
library I don’t see any issues for implementing such a feature.

Myself I use iTunes to manage my library. I create and update playlists
inside iTunes. iTunes supports drag and drop feature so I don’t really
need it in SC. I consider SC as a server application that is running in
the background to server my SB3.

Pascal Hibon
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