JJZolx;321170 Wrote: 
> I find the new & changed scanning to be quite fast.  On my old P4
> Windows server a full scan of 21,000 Flac files takes about 26 minutes.
> A new & changed scan takes only 2:20.
> Your idea has been suggested before and even accepted by many people as
> a good idea.  Something like: you browse through the music folder within
> the SqueezeCenter web interface, get to a junction in the directory
> tree, and press a button that says "scan for new & changed music". 
> Unfortunately, this simple approach would be a little bit
> philosophically opposed to the current idea that browsing through the
> library should do this automagically.

Hi Jim, thanks for the response!

What do you mean with the "new & changed" scanning ? I'm using
SqueezeCenter 7.1 and have ~54 000 tracks on an external harddrive. A
regular scanning update of this takes up to 2 hours (depending on what
else I'm doing on the computer, Windows Vista), and this I have to wait
for even if I just have added one single album... or am I missing
something.. ?

The browsing part does not scan for MusicIP fingerprint info though,
and that is what I think would be useful, to have all the info from
tags, cover and MIP in one single rapid scan.


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