> Thx for the quick reply. DNS seems ok (router) and I can ping all
> internet addresses.

But then there are these lines in the log:

[08-07-31 17:06:23.0152] Slim::Networking::Async::DNS::init (102) Warning: No 
DNS servers responded, falling back to OpenDNS.
[08-07-31 17:06:28.6804] Slim::Networking::Async::DNS::resolve (208) DNS server couldn't resolve IP address for update.slimdevices.com: Send: 
Network is unreachable
[08-07-31 17:06:28.6853] Slim::Networking::Async::DNS::resolve (208) DNS server couldn't resolve IP address for update.slimdevices.com: Send: 
Network is unreachable
[08-07-31 17:06:28.7009] Slim::Networking::Async::DNS::resolve (208) DNS server couldn't resolve IP address for www.squeezenetwork.com: Send: 
Network is unreachable
[08-07-31 17:06:28.7048] Slim::Networking::Async::DNS::resolve (208) DNS server couldn't resolve IP address for www.squeezenetwork.com: Send: 
Network is unreachable

[08-08-01 23:51:03.7631] Slim::Networking::Async::_async_error (256) Error: 
[Timed out waiting for data]
[08-08-01 23:51:03.7642] Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::_http_error (264) 
Error: [Timed out waiting for data]
[08-08-01 23:51:03.7659] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (265) Error: 
getting http://legacy.odeo.com/tag/music/rss.xml
Timed out waiting for data
[08-08-01 23:51:03.7671] Slim::Buttons::XMLBrowser::_cliQuery_error (2323) 
Error: While retrieving [http://legacy.odeo.com/tag/music/rss.xml]: [Timed out 
waiting for data]
[08-08-01 23:51:14.0125] Slim::Networking::Async::_async_error (256) Error: 
[Timed out waiting for data]
[08-08-01 23:51:14.0136] Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::_http_error (264) 
Error: [Timed out waiting for data]
[08-08-01 23:51:14.0153] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (265) Error: 
getting http://legacy.odeo.com/tag/entertainment/rss.xml
Timed out waiting for data
[08-08-01 23:51:14.0165] Slim::Buttons::XMLBrowser::_cliQuery_error (2323) 
Error: While retrieving [http://legacy.odeo.com/tag/entertainment/rss.xml]: 
[Timed out waiting for data]

Can you ping any of the above addresses from your SlimNAS?

Plus - unrelated - you seem to have plugins which are incompatible with your SC 


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