This email has two things:

1. Statement of our goals relating to the defunding mechanism, so we have an agreed-upon base to have a discussion from.
2. Proposal for simplified mechanism to accomplish those goals.

1. Goals of a defunding mechanism:

- Encourage users to deposit more funds in their account.
- Provide users with an easy way out (if I decide to leave the coop, it sucks to have money stuck in my account)
- Should be easily understandable and intuitive.

- Bonus: Easy to implement.

2. Proposed new mechanism

- An account can only have two states: Active and Inactive.
- When an account's balance falls below the amount required to pay all of their outstanding pledges in full, it becomes inactive. - Pledges are now in terms of active patrons. (when an account becomes inactive, other patrons no longer match for it.)
- Owners of inactive accounts have three options:
 1. Lower their pledge amounts until balance > payout
 2. Add more money so that balance > payout
3. "One-time donation:" Donate to each project, immediately, a percentage of the money remaining in the account, so that when everything is paid, the user has $0 left in the account. This does NOT make their account become active or cause others to sponsor their shares (their acct is still inactive.

Now we only need 3 notification options:
Account Balance is low (next payout will cause account to become inactive) | Not Required
Account becomes inactive | Required
Payout Occurs | Not Required


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