related to #2. Is there an option for an "upper limit?" A person can say "I
want to give to this but I can't go above $5 a month and I don't want to
have to drop out or be constantly re-adjusting my pledge rate."

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 11:44 AM, Jonathan Roberts <> wrote:

> These things may have been discussed already, but these are initial
> thoughts from friends looking at the system; ie theoretical potential
> patrons.
> 1)It will make the average person nervous to not see a very clear
> representation of what they are going to be paying total. This relates to
> the other discussion we were having; regardless of whether or not it gives
> people the impression that this is a "great bargain" or whatever, people
> need to see a very clear presentation of what they will be called on to pay
> or they will be very nervous about signing on at all.
> 2)As more people sign on to the system, shouldn't the average pledge rate
> go down? If you originally sign on at $1 per 5000 people, but then 60000
> sign on, you don't each need to be paying $12- each person can be paying
> much less than the original $1 per 5000, and the collective result will
> still be enormous.
> 3)We should have an option for automatic withdrawal directly from a bank
> account. The "snowdrift account" is a great buffer to help some people feel
> comfortable, but other people are going to say "I don't want to have to
> keep thinking about depositing funds or be reminded of it; I believe in
> this enough to just commit to it being directly withdrawn.
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