
I have a slightly unrelated question, but I think the Snowdrift team has
experience which can help with answering the question. Lone developers are less
likely to know, and there's a good team here :)

Suppose there's a web app, say Snowdrift itself or the GitLab instance, where
registered users are assigned roles. Each role has a set of operations, which
determine what you can and can't do in the system. For example, "bug reporter"
can open bugs but can't close them, "developer" can open and close bug and also
push code commits and merge merge-requests.

Suppose there's a single user, or perhaps 2 or 3, who are the admins of the
project, and they decide who gets which role. They can add and remove people
and change roles and operations.

Here are 2 possible scenarions:

1. As a project member, you don't know which role you are assigned, and which
   operations are enabled for it. The project admins tell you, but there's no
   web page where you can see that info. It means the admins have some privacy
   with role management and the list of people and their roles is private too,
   but on the other hand there's no easy way to get the list of your roles.
2. The table of roles and operations is visible to everyone. Everyone knows who
   are develpers and bug repoters and admins etc. of the project and what they
   can and can't do.

Or this:

3. Something in between? e.g. only project members can view roles, and other
   users can't? Or maybe you can view the definition of all the roles and you
   know which role you have, but you don't know what roles the other team
   members have?

What do you think? Any feedback highly appreciated! :)


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