On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 12:11 PM, Michael Siepmann <m...@techdesignpsych.com> wrote:
On 06/04/2016 06:56 AM, Stephen Michel wrote:

 On June 4, 2016 5:21:31 AM EDT, mray <m...@mray.de> wrote:

 On 04.06.2016 08:35, Karl Ove Hufthammer wrote:
 Bryan Richter skreiv 04. juni 2016 03:47:
There are two situations where I'm not sure what the best action is.
 IMO, the best solution (in both cases) is to *not* reveal that the
has (or hasn’t) an account. If I’m trying to be anonymous, i don’t
 people to be able to find out whether I have an account at
 Snowdrift.coop. And if the user tries to create an account that
exists, *do* supply a ‘reset password’ link in the e-mail that is
 (but don’t automatically reset the password).

 See also http://security.stackexchange.com/a/90354

 Another +1.

 I think the email text should go along the lines of:

Hi, someone tried to create an account with this email address, but you already have a snowdrift.coop account.

If this was not you, no action is required. Your account is safe and no personal information has been revealed.

If this was you, would you like to [log in]() or [reset your password]()?


The reset password and create account processes should really each be tracked in user story. I won't be around until later in the day but when I am, I will copy this discussion to taiga, in an existing US if I can find one.
+1 but I think there should be two different email texts, depending on
whether the action that triggered it was an attempt to create and
account or to reset a password.

+1, that was specifically for the create account case. Perhaps the reset password could go like this:

Hi, someone requested a link to reset your account password.

If this was you, you may follow [this link]() to reset your password. It will expire in X minutes.

If this was not you, no action is required. Your account is safe and no personal information has been revealed. If this has happened before recently or you believe someone is trying to gain unauthorized access to your account, do [XYZ].
I'm not sure about whether I want to drop that last sentence or not.

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