On 13/09/16 01:40 PM, Bryan Richter wrote:
> Hiya, I'm sending this to the whole ML so it will also be a public
> status update. :)
> On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 11:01:20PM +0200, Robert Martinez (mray)
> wrote:
>> Since I could not reach you in the last meeting I write you:
>> 1. What is the current situation about Sass - are we going to use
>> it?
>> 2. I'm a bit disconnected since most things i'm working on are are
>> not mvp in the sense that they need "design", since design itself
>> isn't MVP releveant really. in how far am i slowing you down by not
>> working on some html or css right now instead of doing "design stuff
>> (tm)"?
> Moving to a CSS framework seems like a great idea, but I don't think I
> will personally get to it in the next couple months at least. Other
> people are welcome to work on it, however.
> Ikomi is asking me these same questions in IRC right now. I'm really
> focusing on the mechanism and money right now. You aren't slowing me
> down. I don't mind if people work on the style architecture.
> Suggestion #1: It would be nice to have a "target" to shoot for when
> putting together the Dashboard and Project pages, however. Otherwise I
> will just put a button on the Dashboard that makes a person pledge to
> Snowdrift, and another button that takes them to /payment-info. That
> will be it.
Thanks for answering my questions the other day. :)
> Things I Need Help With:
> -----------------------
> <snip>
> 2. UI mockups would be appreciated. There has been discussion about
> the Dashboard, Payment History, Pledge History, and Project pages.
> Somebody could take the lead on some of those. mray? Ikomi?

Sorry for the late response to this message, slow here at replying on
mailing lists and I also wanted to first confirm with mray on the status
of certain pages.

Here's a list of pages currently in the repo, with a status indicator.
The Design wiki page has links to the latest MVP mockups.


If/when I'm working on them, I'll try to update the wiki page from time
to time. Currently some of the pages are in prototyping stage (e.g.
snowdrift project page), 2-3 are still in mockups (e.g. how-it-works).

If anyone has questions, feel free to ping me on IRC as well.

> 3. As mentioned above, somebody could rewrite /payment-info to not use
> proprietary JS. JazzyEagle? Other Haskeller?
> 4. Thoughts and plans about anything on Taiga.
> That's all from me for tonight. TTYL!
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