
I would like to +1 Matt's comment.  I don't really see how you would
do without this very natural, gradual, beneficial process.

I know people who have attended, helped and sometimes instructed at
several workshops but haven't taken the instructor training program
(yet).  So when/if they become Software Carpentry instructors, I think
the transition will be pretty smooth...

As a new instructor, I don't see how you would want to read a
guide/manual rather than helping at real workshops, because that's
when you start feeling useful and you learn a lot and you're not alone
and that's a great experience. :)


On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Matt Davis <jiffyc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had one question after reading your post, and that's what role being a
> workshop helper/assistant has in the instructor on-boarding process?
> A couple years ago before our explosive growth and the instructor training
> program, the on-boarding process was (perhaps informally), something like:
> - attend or be a helper at a workshop
> - teach at a workshop with an experienced instructor
> We have different processes and more people now, but you can't discount the
> value of "learn by doing".
> - Matt
> On Fri Dec 12 2014 at 10:47:53 AM Bill Mills <b...@mozillafoundation.org>
> wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> I spoke privately to some of you over the past couple weeks on what it's
>> like being a Software Carpentry instructor, particularly a new
>> instructor - what are the challenges you face, and what can we do to
>> make your first few workshops a smoother experience? I summarized the
>> most popular comments in this blog post:
>> http://mozillascience.org/starting-instruction-feedback-from-the-new-instructor-community/
>> One of the main things that came out of this, was a need for a smoother
>> on-ramp going from Instructor Training to your first workshop - what are
>> the steps involved, how do you prepare, and what are everyone's
>> responsibilities? To this end, I think it would be valuable if we
>> created a short Welcome Package explaining these things and providing
>> some clear instructions for people, and a Mentor's Guide for more
>> experienced instructors guiding this process. More details are in the
>> blog post, but we're brainstorming ideas for both of these things in the
>> following etherpads:
>> New Instructor Welcome Package:
>> https://etherpad.mozilla.org/newInstructorWelcomePackage
>> Mentor's Guide: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/SWCmentorsGuide
>> What do people think? Please jump in and share your thoughts! Thanks in
>> advance,
>> --
>> Bill Mills
>> Community Manager, Mozilla Science Lab
>> @billdoesphysics
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