Hi Lex,

Thanks for your ideas! Getting more practical preparation & familiarity
with the process around setting up, preparing for and teaching workshops is
a big part of the live instructor training workshop, but also the thing we
get the most consistent requests for more of, which is why I've been poking
at this so much lately.

As always, the problem is around what to cut from curriculum to make room;
we've got a good & well-tested balance for the two-day formulation leading
up to the next round of live instructor training at Davis, but there's only
so much we can cover in two days - which is why mentorship is a key piece
of the puzzle, too. We'll be doing a four partial-day version of instructor
training with ResBaz in February, where Damien and I plan to heavily
emphasize some of the procedural parts of making workshops happen - watch
the blogs for a report back on what we learn there.

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 12:21 AM, Lex Nederbragt <lex.nederbr...@ibv.uio.no>
>  Hi,
>  Late to the discussion. I would love to see a mentorship crystallising,
> but realise geographics and time-pressures may be in the way for some.
>  One question though: to what extend is 'preparing for your first
> workshop' already part of the instructor training? And should it be a
> (bigger) part? It won't solve all issues (there is nothing like actually
> standing there in front of the students for the first time), but it may
> help with preparing both mentally and practically.
>  Lex
>  On 16 Dec 2014, at 00:12, Greg Wilson wrote:
>  Hi Bill; thanks for your mail.
> - Clear guidance for instructors in the form of a short, useful Instructor
> Handbook, that guides the process of setting up & preparing for a workshop.
> This should be short, practical, and complete - feel free to continue
> brainstorming at https://etherpad.mozilla.org/newInstructorWelcomePackage,
> and perhaps we can write up a first cut based on your ideas there in the
> new year.
>  +1 to more notes for instructors, but I'd much rather we put it in GitHub
> - that's where the rest of our content goes, it'll do notifications for
> people who want them, and it's easy to review pull requests.  The
> checklists are all in the 'site' repo (https://github.com/swcarpentry/site)
> in the workshops/checklists directory - if you'd rather not check out
> 'site' (which is rather large) you can always edit directly on GitHub and
> send PRs that way.
> - A more structured mentorship model. Greg has hopes to pursue this in
> concert with the Steering Committee in the new year. In the meantime, more
> community brainstorming is always better:
> https://etherpad.mozilla.org/SWCmentorsGuide
>  Again, I'd prefer to keep things in GitHub -
> https://github.com/swcarpentry/instructor-training has the notes that
> Bill and I have been assembling on instructor training, and pull requests
> on that would be very welcome.
> - A video maintainer role, to help organize and maintain a collection of
> videos that will bring examples of teaching to the community, without the
> overhead of actually attending events.
>  +1 --- even if you can't get videos of entire workshops, short videos of
> particular topics (5-15 minutes long) showing how we teach X, Y, or Z would
> be very welcome.
> Thanks,
> Greg
> --
> Dr. Greg Wilson    | gvwil...@software-carpentry.org
> Software Carpentry | http://software-carpentry.org
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>      --
> Lex Nederbragt
> Norwegian High-Throughput Sequencing Centre (NSC)
> Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES)
> Dept. of Biosciences, University of Oslo
> P.O. Box 1066 Blindern 0316 Oslo, Norway
> Ph. +47 22844132 +47 48028722 Fax. +47 22854001
> Email lex.nederbr...@ibv.uio.no <lex.nederbr...@bio.uio.no>
> http://www.sequencing.uio.no
> http://flavors.me/flxlex
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Best Regards,
Bill Mills
Community Manager
Mozilla Science Lab
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