On 30 Mar 2016, at 19:44, W. Trevor King <wk...@tremily.us> wrote:

> I'm not sure how that would happen though.  Have Canonical/Microsoft
> ported all of those applications to also run on a Windows kernel?  Are
> they using something like Cygwin's shim layer to put a POSIX interface
> on top of Window's kernel?

The best explanation I have found so far is at 

Basically, they seem to have implemented the inverse of WINE 
(https://www.winehq.org/ <https://www.winehq.org/>): a subsystem within Windows 
that does live translation between the Windows API and Linux syscalls. 
Apparently it does it without much drop in performance...which is pretty 

I'm signed up to the Windows Insider (basically beta testing) program, so 
hopefully I should get access to this in the not too distant future: I'll let 
you know how it goes.


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