Git's "mental model" is really big, with up to 5 places where your edits my
live (working copy; stash; index; repository; remote), so  I personally
hesitate a bit to 'force' git on my casually coding co-workers. I guess
much of that is easier with a good (and preferably cross-platform, free)
GUI (ideas welcome!)

One thing that also helped me understand gits choices was this (from )

Commits are patches. 'Staging' is the stuff you haven't send to the mailing
> list yet. Branches are long series of patches. Merging is accepting
> patches, and re-basing is apply a patch set against a different starting
> point.

(and of course, a pull request is sending out your patches to the
maintainer). This clarified things for me as a coder, but prolly won't help
the scientist who occassionally has to script a thing or two ...
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