Peter brings up an interesting point about code quality and its role
in replicability.  It may that too strong a reliance on particular
underlying libraries is really an indication of unstable code or
unstable methods.

Good numerical code should largely survive recompilation.  A good
example of this is the code in R, I think.  The R maintainers have
warnings about using MKL or other optimized libraries, and they
provide robust source code for the basic BLAS functions R needs for
those who aren't interested in or able to evaluate whether the
differences shown between the tests at compilation and the baseline
are significant for their research or not.

Regarding containers and HPC, Singularity is making rapid inroads into
HPC centers, I think, and it will only become more prevalent now that
the Singularity people have largely got it so non-root users can
create and maintain containers.  That's been a huge issue for HPC
centers like ours with Docker, which wants to run as root.
Singularity containers run entirely as the invoking user and in
unprivileged space, which makes them far less controversial.

Cloud providers, like Amazon, or 'cloud' cluster providers like
Penguin do offer something else that is sometimes increasingly
desirable to researchers at big university's and that is independence
and portability.

If a junior faculty member or graduate student -- or undergraduate --
builds something in AWS and moves to a different university, there is
no interruption to the research program:  AWS doesn't have to move.
Similarly with something like Penguin on Demand for more traditional
HPC programs (e.g., MPI-based).  Doing work in the cloud also frees
one from the local IT department, which may have strict rules about
what can and cannot be installed on the institution's computers and
how they can be used that are contrary to what is needed (or wanted)
for the workflows.

In some cases, research can also be done outside of academia or
industry, in which case in-house infrastructure probably doesn't
exist.  That might be more applicable to social sciences, but I could
imagine independent scholars doing work in field biology, ecology,
water quality, etc.  They would benefit greatly from access to
computational machinery that is not only free of encumbering licensing
but of institutional [sic] infrastructure.

Just some more thoughts for the hearth,

-- bennet

On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 3:11 AM, Peter Steinbach <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> thanks for the interesting discussion so far. From my personal point of
> view, I'd fully agree with the computational burst based argument. If a
> robust pipeline needs to scale for a short amount of time and local HPC
> resources are blocked, the cloud is an essential resource.
> However, with projects like [1] or [2] I don't buy into the argument that
> using HPC is forbidding due to reproducibility of scientific results. I know
> that many HPC installations are very conservative when it comes to
> containerized execution (like in the cloud) and have a long lag of
> implementing modern technologies, but containerized execution for the sake
> of having a fixed set of dependencies can also be considered as a lack of
> software quality. For me, this in turn is as a result of our academic system
> of incentives, i.e. published results are valued higher than the tools that
> produced them (which makes people invest less in infrastructure). The latter
> often leads to brittle build systems and the lack of tests. It's interesting
> (if not paradox) to me that people tend to take money in their hands to buy
> compute hours in the cloud to actually mitigate this.
> Cheers,
> Peter
> [1]
> [2]
> On 06/13/2017 08:12 PM, C. Titus Brown wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> we have done varying amounts of cloud computing, but it tends not be
>> price competitive when developing/debugging analysis pipelines for large
>> sets of data (vertebrate GWAS, etc.) because of the disk space needs.
>> The UCSC Genome Center folk are relying increasingly on cloud computing
>> because it is so flexible and burst-scalable - also see
>> for something that they are doing across cancer centers.
>> With regard to Alex Savio's comment on clinical data -  I don't know where
>> in
>> the world you are, Alex, but at least in the US there are several portions
>> of
>> AWS that are HIPAA-compliant.  The entire UC system can use AWS for
>> clinical
>> data now, for example.  I can seek out details if anyone is interested.
>> Personally I think HPCs are a problem for reproducibility (see
>> for a small bit of context and am a big fan of
>> computing *like* you're in the cloud (VMs or docker or singularity) so as
>> to
>> manage dependencies. But while that is something that quite a few
>> experienced
>> computational folk seem to agree with, I'm not sure how many people I will
>> be
>> able to convince of that in the broader world ;).
>> best,
>> --titus
>> On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 05:54:36PM +0000, wrote:
>>> Hi Peter,
>>> I wouldnt be able to use such services with clinical data. It's totally
>>> not
>>> an option for me.
>>> Although I've seen some talks and the performance seems quite competitive
>>> since scalability is easy. It's true that uploading a big quantity of
>>> data
>>> can take a considerable time and bandwith, some labs use the weekends for
>>> data uploading. One problem may be to convince University fund managers
>>> to
>>> pay for external computing services when they already provide HPC
>>> services.
>>> My five cents...
>>> On Tue, 13 Jun 2017, 13:38 Peter Steinbach, <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear both,
>>>> as a side note (and my apologies for digressing), I was wondering how
>>>> popular cloud computing for data processing at scale in an academic
>>>> context is in the US or elsewhere?
>>>> Here in Europe, many universities run their own HPC centers where people
>>>> can sign up to process larger amounts of data or do larger simulations
>>>> or whatnot ... mostly people here are concerned about efficiency (data
>>>> connnections into the cloud are typically poor, VM overhead is
>>>> considerable) and security/confidentiality when putting scientific
>>>> workflows into the cloud.
>>>> What is your take on this?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Peter
>>>> PS. I love the "serverless" metaphor. Get's rid of all the problems of
>>>> computers. ;)
>>>> On 06/12/2017 06:02 PM, Marianne Corvellec wrote:
>>>>> Hi Justin,
>>>>> Thank you so much for the quick reply!
>>>>> I'm going to give this new package a try.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Marianne
>>>>> On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 11:20 AM, Justin Kitzes <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Marianne,
>>>>>> PyWren by Eric Jonas sounds like it's pretty similar to what you're
>>>> looking for -
>>>>>> It's a relatively new package that's still in active development, but
>>>> Eric is very interested in expanding it (and has some support from the
>>>> riselab at UC Berkeley to do so). I know that he's also actively looking
>>>> for use cases, so I'd definitely suggest getting in touch with him if
>>>> you're interested.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Justin
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Justin Kitzes
>>>>>> Energy and Resources Group
>>>>>> Berkeley Institute for Data Science
>>>>>> University of California, Berkeley
>>>>>>> On Jun 9, 2017, at 6:51 AM, Marianne Corvellec <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear community,
>>>>>>> I'm curious as to whether some of you might have worked on or used
>>>>>>> solutions such as AWS Lambda in the context of your scientific
>>>>>>> research.
>>>>>>> If so, have you documented it in a blog post that you could share?
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>>>>> Without even considering workflows or full-fledged projects, wouldn't
>>>>>>> we want to be able to make a standard API call to, say, fit a
>>>>>>> polynomial to some data?  Is anyone aware of any effort in this
>>>>>>> direction?
>>>>>>> A friend of mine just drew my attention to this general issue, which
>>>>>>> touches on open science and reproducible research...  In the
>>>>>>> meantime,
>>>>>>> I'll encourage him to join this mailing list!
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Marianne
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>>> Sent from my phone, sorry for brevity or typos.
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