I just finished reading:

Raina Mason, Carolyn Seton, and Graham Cooper: "Applying cognitive load theory to the redesign of a conventional database systems course." Computer Science Education, 26(1):68–87, Jan 2016, DOI: 10.1080/08993408.2016.1160597.

and thought it was a good, short, example of how to use learning theory to improve a specific course. From the abstract:

Cognitive load theory (CLT) was used to redesign a Database Systems course for Information Technology students ... to remove split attention and redundancy effects, to provide suitable worked examples and sub-goals, and included an extensive re-sequencing of content. The approach was primarily directed towards mid- to lower performing students and results showed a significant improvement for this cohort with the exam failure rate reducing by 34% after the redesign on identical final exams. Student satisfaction also increased and feedback from subsequent study was very positive.
I'd be grateful for pointers to similar "how to apply it and what you'll get" studies from other STEM fields.



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