Chad Smith wrote:


i'd like to ask a second time : don't cut things out until we have understanding about a way to make them available for those who wish them.

This, I believe, is the gist of your argument, so I will respond to that directly.

Someone in this thread said that OOo has more than 500 - that's Five-Hundred
- options in the preferences dialog box. If we went through and ensured
that each one was available for use somewhere - we'd never lower that number.
And that number *MUST* be lowered. I don't care if you bury so far that
it takes 57 mouse clicks to get to it - there is no need for that many options
- ever. The number should be closer to 50 than 500. In fact, I'd say anything
over 100 is way too much. A better interface design is a good start, but
that overhaul should, must, and will result in *fewer choices*. And that
is a Good Thing (tm).

If you tried to make it where all 500 options were still available, or if
we spent time pouring over each option, and catering to the 5 people in the
world who use that particular item... We'd never change anything until
10.0, when we won't even be using menus any more, since it will all be voice
or thought controlled anyway.

I'd rather inconvenience 50 people by totally removing an option, than confuse
50,000 by leaving them all in.

Burying options isn't the answer. Removing them is. People like choice,
I know. But too much choice leads to confusion, bewilderment, and inaction.
I don't mess with the options dialog box, because it's too much for me.
I imagine I'm not the only one to feel that way.

That's one psychological study about the over abundance of choices, and how
that is stifling to life in general. We don't want OOo to add to the problem,
do we?

-Chad Smith

I do not see where there is a problem with there being 500 options, the problem is in the way that it is organized, you're idea of how something should be is different then the way that I would like it to be. So for the 2 of us to be able to do what we want to do the software should be able to be adjusted to suit what we would like it to do. By having different options and being able to decide how things work by default is a good thing and should not be deleted. Sure set a default to what the 90% of the people want but if the option is already there to make it do it the way that I want to be able to do it then it should be left there.

I just checked and the about:config setting in Firefox has over 500 lines of options. and that is just for a web browser, we are talking a "productivity suite" with what 5-6 different programs. I would expect there to be more than 500 options. Open Source software is about choice and being able to do things differently. If we take away all the choice we might as well just start using MS Office.

Maybe what we need to do is to make 2 areas where options are found, one for when it is a common, say the 50-100 most changed or used options and then put the rest into an area for more advances options. and divide this area up so that you can get to the options better/quicker.

I do not think that getting rid of an option is a good thing, unless it is simply no longer supported or used.

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