Here are some classic quotes from this interview, including a few 
full-on belly laughs.  (Hint: keep your eyes open for the dancing 
monkeys!)  Ya gotta love it.  Congrats, Adam! 

AD = Adam Doxtater.

AD: [snip...]  We take in a lot of feedback from our visitors.

NF: And how does that relate to Linux?

AD: We've created something that has formed a legitimate community 
of great people. If Linux, and Mad Penguin, is the one thing that 
can bind people of differing backgrounds, religion, or political 
views, then I want to be the one helping to tie the knot. Linux and 
open source as a whole promote many of the finer qualities we all 
have: leadership, motivation, teamwork, and charity without the 
promise of monetary other other material gain. 


NF: How does a site like Mad Penguin acquire staffing?

AD: It's actually an amazing thing. The short answer is that the 
staff comes to me. For the most part people seem to just want to be 
a part of it all. But that's open source, right? Much of what you 
see today was directly contributed by our readers through 
suggestion. Mad Penguin essentially has a core cast, if you will, 
and they keep it going. Fred Blaise is one of the people who simply 
lived and breathed Mad Penguin. He's my right-hand man. Then 
there's Narayan Newton, another devoted Mad Penguin member turned 
sysadmin. He's been our FreeBSD guru since we've moved over to the 
new system.

NF: So have you met all of the people you work with on Mad Penguin?

AD: Personally? In person? God no! I'm a recluse! I can't even go to 
Wal-Mart without being sedated! Actually I've met Fred, Narayan, 
James (of course), and another member from the site named Grigg.


NF: Are there any comical things that have happened on the site that 
you wouldn't mind sharing?

AD: You mean that are fit to print? As a matter of fact, we were 
laughing about some of this stuff the other day. We considered 
making a quotes page of all the off-color and funny things people 
have done and said on the site.

Here's one for you. We had published a review of -- SUSE I think it 
was -- anyway, there was some jerkoff that kept posting derogatory 
shit on the review and it was totally unwarranted. We blocked his 
IP address after he'd been warned several times. After a short 
while he came back with a different address touting that he could 
use any one of several thousand addresses. I don't go for that kind 
of shit at all, so I checked the origin of both IPs he used, traced 
them both back to Deutsch Telecom, and closed the Mad Penguin 
servers their entire IP block. That shut him up pretty quickly! 
Since that day it's been kind of a running joke in the Mad Penguin 
camp. Why ban one person when you can ban him and his entire 
continent to prove your point? Kind of sums up the Mad Penguin 
philosophy doesn't it? Why do it big if you can do it bigger and 
with dancing monkeys?

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