> What the article doesn't cover is the work going on at OpenOffice.org 
> and OASIS regarding XForms.  Good article though.  Even if they missed
> entirely the fact that by accepting the OASIS OpenDocument specification
> as meeting their future file format requirements, the EU is endorsing
> XForms.  In fact, they requested it!  Novell Office, IBM WorkPlace, Sun
> StarOffice, and even Adobe claim support of OpenDoc, which is to say
> they support XForms too.  My guess is that governments standardizing on
> XForms will have a profound impact on all related commerce.  Including
> the offerings of information system vendors and provisioner.  How did
> they miss this?
> ~ge~

Woa Nelly!

Did you just say that OOo _already supports_ the XForms standard?!!
Brilliant. Where's the documentation that tells how to interface with
the components that understand the XForms, what project does this lie
under, does it rely in any manner shape or form on VCL?


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