Bernd Eilers wrote:

> Misusing the ability of the issue tracker to have attachments as a 
> version control systems is IMHO not a good idea.

I vote Bernd for president!

Yes, I agree with you 100%, absolutely.

I strongly believe that you should use the appropriate tool for each job. 
IssueZilla is based on BugZilla which was designed for tracking bugs. 
Adding files was a nice "addon" to help people explain bugs better, by 
uploading misbehaving files (for example). IssueZilla is *not* a version 
control system.

I think OOo suffers terribly from trying to use IssueZilla for everything. 
People mis-use IZ as a version-control system. They mis-use it as a 
content management system. It's crazy!

If you have a task that is best done with a VS system, use CVS.
If you have a task that is best done with a CMS, use Plone.
If you have a task that is best done with a wiki, get a wiki.

In the case of art, I would go even further. I'd say even CVS is not 
ideal. Sure, version control is "nice", but it's not a terribly important 
issue for art. For art, I'd say that simplicty is more important. I think 
that a CMS system works best for art.

With a CMS you don't have to generate SSH2 keys, you don't need to get 
special software, you don't need to learn a new set of commands. Anyone 
who has been using a browser for some time can figure out Plone pretty 
quickly. At least enough to go to a folder and upload a file.

Alas, stupid SourceCast doesn't allow us to use Plone.

Oh well, then let's setup a CMS elsewehre. Make a new site. Call it And use it to upload files quickly. Make it the new art 
page for OOo.

Cristian, if you're interested, let me know. I'll help you get setup.

> >If the attached work is final and not an intermediate version,
> Open Source Philospohy number one: release early release often.
> There is no such thing as canīt be released because itīs not yet final ;-)

+1 !!

Absolutely. Yet another problem at OOo. See my sig:

    "I don't want it perfect, I want it Tuesday"

> You donīt really mean to have the result of the work being just a couple 
> of deep-links into attachments for issues, do you?
> If there shall be a gallery of downloadable graphics those 
> 'final/product' graphics should IMHO be stored completely separtely from 
> the issuetracker, shouldnīt they?


Daniel Carrera          | I don't want it perfect,
Join OOoAuthors today!  | I want it Tuesday.   | 

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