Sophie Gautier wrote:
Hi all,

Layer mode has disapeared from Impress 2.0beta, it's only available in Draw. Will it be implemented later ? Impress help explain how to use it, but is only speaking about Draw.
Will there be a way to recover the functionnality to import 1.1.4 presentations (currently all objects on the different layers are edited and make those presentations unusable).

Sophie, you are a respected member of the OOo community. I have readed many of your howto documents. Thanks a lot for all that work!

Your question has touched me. As I have said in other threads, I agrre that Impress was the more variant part of OOo with respect o MSO. The new design of Impress is more like MSO (no comment here) and that may ease the migration for new users (and this is a Good Thing).

But with that change there are several functionalities of 1.1.4 Impress that has gone completely. I see two mayor problems:

a) I have been training teachers on Impress an my University, indicating how that divergent design was not less functional but in some aspects superior to MSO. Now those precise points have dropped and I feel like "floating in a vacuum".

b) As you correctly indicate, some of us do have a lot of pressntations in 1.1.4 that don't do very well in 2.0. Three examples: The point on layer is severe. It makes the editing of a slide in 2.0 an absolute mess. I use a lot of callouts. The new "Shape callouts" toolbox has fancy callouts but NOT the classic callout drawing object (I have filed an issue). If you import and draw qickly, you ger with different types of callouts, unintentionally. I do use dimension lines in Impress, it is impossible now to add a dimension line in Impress (anotehr issue filed)

My feeling is that a lot of UI decisions have considered ONLY new users coming from PowerPoint, and making life easier for them. But those decissions have affected useful items that were in use by former users of Impress. I have a feeling of have been "relegated" to second plane.

This is not to say that I do not want to see Impress updated. The page and task pane, the shapes, the enhanced animations and transitions. All that are good and welcome additions. I do know how difficult is to write code and I respect the work of teh developers. All my thanks to them. Just that I think that the new additions do not imply, necessarily, the loss of existing useful functions. Even more when that function do exist on OOo 2.0, it's just a matter of changing a toolbar o adding a handle to something.

Sophie, your voice is not justy another more in OOo community. After seeing you post, I hope developers and designers will re-think a bit the whole issue of Impress refactoring, taking more in consideration the needs of those of us used to 1.1.x Impress.

In any case, I will be using OOo 2.0 when it'll come out, and advocating for it and trying to spread its knowledge in my academic world.

- Enrique -

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