[N.B.: Sorry if this doesn't automatically follow on the thread, I'm reading the digest version and can't quite figure out how to reply to one thread]

I was going to add a few suggestions/comments to this steadily growing note taking idea in addition to my original email.

- Firstly, I love the idea of sticky notes; hopefully we could have this in addition to a larger tree-based note taking section.
- In KeyNote (http://www.tranglos.com/free/keynote.html to reiterate), there are three panels inside each tab: one for the tree section, note for the editing window (the note itself) and another panel with further tools within it (sorted into tabs). These include macros, plug-ins, a find panel, a template selector and a scratch pad. The scratch pad, although it would seem a bit superfluous in theory, actually works really well for just jotting down structures and points you want to go over. My suggestion here would be to replace the scratch pad with the sticky note feature and/or a To-Do list/Check-list panel.
- Internal linking would be fantastic (say, like a Wiki).
- An idea for the distant future would be the ability to export this to a Wiki system or have it collaborate with a Wiki that is online (i.e, check it out). But that's just a pipe-dream and might be a distant objective.
- I know a little about XML, and it seems quite suitable that a tree-based document could be saved in XML quite easily; so keeping that format as the native one for said note-taking application (like Writer/OOo already is). [Could this then also be a part of the OASIS specification?]

Just a few ideas,

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