I have done some documentation for Main Frame computers, that is awhile back.
I have written some very formal documents, again awhile back.
My English is Canadian (the people who translate for the British and Americans)
I donot know how I would be able to help but I am planning on checking things 
and offering my help.


> Hello Gene,
> Yes, actually, we have a team working on a manual, and we need YOUR
> help. This is the OOoAuthors project. Take a look at our site:
> http://oooauthors.org
> Please make a login and take a look around.
> I strongly encourage you to join our team and work on the suer guide.
> The OOoAuthors team is very active, friendly and positive. You'll
> enjoy working with us.
> Right now we have a user guide for OOo 1.x and we are working on a
> user guide for OOo 2.0. This is a lot of work, and we definitely need
> you to help out. We actually have separate guides for each major
> component (Writer, Calc, etc) that we're working on.
> The people in the CC line (Jean and Janet) are our editors. Janet is
> the editor for the Writer Guide. Jean is the editor for the other
> guides, as well as the chief editor for OOoAuthors.
> If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
> Welcome aboard!
> Cheers,
> Daniel.
> On Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 10:40:48PM -0800, Gene McGuire wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > I would like to prepare a user manual of this outstanding product. 
> > This manual could be distributed with the software in printed form
> > or as a PDF.  I have tried to figure how to use the help files but
> > that would entail retyping reams of information.  If there were a
> > way to get this info out I would like to offer my services to create
> > such a manual. For clarity I feel that some topics may require
> > graphics which I would provide.
> > 
> > Someone is probably already working on this but if not I am
> > available to assist.  It should be understood that any document I
> > would prepare would not be released until approved by the
> > appropriate office.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Gene McGuire
> > Login Name: nvgunrunner
> -- 
> Daniel Carrera          | I don't want it perfect,
> Join OOoAuthors today!  | I want it Tuesday.
> http://oooauthors.org   | 
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