
OpenOffice.org 1.1.4 does have some accessibility support:


But it requires that the user install Java to use it. And I don't see JAWS 
or Win Eyes listed :-(

The page says that ZoomText works (but it's not for the blind). I know 
that there is at least one reading program for the blind that works with 
OOo. I know that because one of our contributors was blind, and he used 
it. But alas, I don't know what it is.

Fortunately, I can at least tell you who you can ask to get the 
information you want. Bring your question to the accessibility mailing 
list. You will need to subscribe first.

To subscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You will receive a confirmation email. Please reply to that email to 
confirm your subscription.

Then you will be able to post to dev@ui.openoffice.org and ask the experts 
about usability in OpenOffice.ort 2.0

Hope that helps.

Daniel Carrera.

On Sat, Mar 19, 2005 at 07:53:51AM -0500, Bogus wrote:
> I would like to know if Open Office 2.0 is compatible with voice 
> reading programs for the blind such as "JAWS" or "Win Eyes".  
> I gave a copy of Open Office 1.14 to the Cleveland Sight Center to 
> test. After extensive testing, they indicated it was not accessible at 
> all.  Considering the number of people with visual disabilities, a 
> reading (talking) program within Open Office would really enhance the 
> program.
Daniel Carrera          | I don't want it perfect,
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