So sad to hear this sort of comment directed at people doing fine work to unshackle us from the drudgery of MS - for free. As a user of open source for many years (from early Star Office versions) in the ultra conservative world of auditing I can say with satisfaction I have never had to use MS Office products - my office has run extremly well using these open source products - and I take it almost personally when someone see's fit to run down efforts made in open source. I have not seen their original complaint but judging from the response it was harsh. All I can say to the developers - you are doing a great job - don't let the occasional shackled person disrupt your great project.

Jack & Naree wrote:

I don't entirely concur with your summing up.
You appear unable to separate personal issues/comments from product
"Insulting" a product is not the same as insulting a person.
It does not logically follow that it is legitimate to insult a person,
simply because they "insult" a product.
Criticising a product is always warranted if there's something about
it that is crap in one's opinion. If you think differently, then
perhaps there's no point in replying.

You are more than welcome to remove this email from your list.

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 15:29:08 +0000, CPHennessy

On Tuesday 22 March 2005 10:18, Jack & Naree wrote:

[ MODERATED ] ***********************

look, there's nothing personal in the comments I made;

If I was working for a company and supporting your call I would of course have
been more polite because that is what I'd be paid for.

However, the vast majority of helpful people contributing on this list do it
to help others because they like and support the project.
Therefore insulting the project when it is not warranted is equivalent to
insulting us.

i simply
expressed frustration, admittedly when i was tired and approaching a
deadline, but I did try to be specific about the problems I was
my experience is that pleasant suggestions are less likely to be taken
notice of.

We have kept this list (and where most user questions are
asked), a very pleasant place. Not too many have been kicked off of the lists
and insults are not allowed. However valid complaints are and have resulted
in changes to the software, or improvement in the documentation.

So please consider asking your questions on the mailing
list in a reaonable way so that the many helpful people there will not be
discouraged by unnecessary complaints.

I certainly don't see the point in "asking" whether changes coul be
made, I just state specifically what is crap about it, and its up to
someone else whether they can be arsed to act upon it. I have no
vested interest in the success of the software and/or the company that
makes it, I as a consumer will choose whatever works, the manufacturer
is in fact privileged to receive any feedback from anyone at all, so i
think the phraseology of the point is inappropriate.

I think it is legitimate to belittle the software because in view of
the quantity of (occasionally irrelevent) features, the lack of
user-friendliness in it's basic function as a word processor is really
unimpressive, and deserves to be slammed.

By the same logic it is perfectly reasonable for me to insult you in anyway
that I see fit and you should feel priviledged to read my opinions about you
- even though I know nothing about you nor your deadlines nor your other
problems. However I do not see how that would be productive for either of us.

Anyway, I hope that you will ask your questions on where
you will find that there are easy answers to all of your questions.

CPH : contributor

Maybe your question has been answered already?

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