That has happened to me too before when doing nested lists. OOo by default 
won't create a multiple liste entry of b), and often data copied to the 
clipboard loses its program specific formatting because OLE isn't perfect, so 
it may indent by default. I don't know how I made it happen, but it happened to 
me a while ago.
I found that the way around this is to actualy cut the line, then erase the 
placeholder and paste in the data somewhere else... A bit contrived, but it 
works fo rme.

Chuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can someone else confirm this for me? Create an outline in Writer 1.9.87
using the outline feature that looks like this (which outline style you
pick doesn't matter).

1. First line of outline
a) line 1 level 2
b) line 2 level 2

Now copy the "b)" line to the clipboard. Don't copy the "b)" itself,
just the line beginning with "line 2". Paste into notepad. Do you get
"a) line 2 level 2" instead of just "line 2 level 2"? I want to make
sure I'm not going crazy.

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