Daniel Carrera wrote:

Joerg Barfurth wrote:

Actually the quickstarter is specified in this exact specification (the Desktop Menu Integration one). It is just too small a detail (relatively) to be mentioned in the abstract...

Alright, then all the more reason why that email would be welcome in the discuss list. :-)

Yes, if those announcements had been available in the general discuss list, there had been more probabilities of these issues been raised by anyone. Two hundred eyes see more that just two. This is a quite easy improvement action: just e-mail those annoncemente here. It cannot hurt if nobody read them here. But I am sure they will be read.

Another separate question is the distance between spec and implementation. Apparently the spec doc talks about UI integration, I can fully agree with the spec, and raise no objection to it. But No where in the spec it is written that some function should be removed. Thats a very different move!! That reveals an structural problem in the process of code implementation, as you have descrided it.

As a general rule, removing a single bit from the screen, even more for an existing function, should ring all the alarms. The removal should have beed announced specifically (not in the context of teh improvemenmt of otehr function), and accepted as such. And every removal of function/code should not proceed without having on hand already developed replacement. In the GANTT diagram the removal should wait for completion of the tasks it depends on. I think this is common sense.

By the way: many, many thanks for taking the time to do that, it's really reassuring. I feel the power of FOSS here. I do not dream with a similar talk with Adobe, Microsoft or Macromedia developers (even Sun's Oracle ones)

I hope after the pressure for 2.0 relase there will be time to settle a better RFE and "requirement" establishing procedure.

have a nice holidays!

- Enrique -

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