this originally was not my idea, so maybe author might have better scenarios - but i'll try to describe some :)

1. now and then i have a need to write documents that consist roughly half text, hals spreadsheet. i usually end up with two documents, because it's a lot easier to manage them separately. if we had such a (let's call it .odm, as some poster already suggested - opendocument multiple :) ) adm functionality, i could create both documents as parts of this single document. so as a result i can send/manage single file, users can easily see that there are two distinct parts, if in the diting/reading process there is a need to reference other document a lot, it's easy to just switch between these parts.

2. this, i hope, is a better example :)
i might be wrong, but i believe it's not currently possible to have a text document with some spreadsheets and a couple of fully functional presentations embedded. for example, some promotional material could be distributed this way.

i'm not saying that this functionality is necessary or not, just that i can see uses for it. it could be stuffed in issue and various bits of informattion added as they come up. so when time comes and we are in a need for some nice feature that might distinct us from mso (although lately it seems the other way - functionality is reduced to mimic mso), we could pull this out and evaluate.

Cor Nouws wrote:
Hi Rich,

Rich wrote:

this just made me remember about "multi-purpose" document where a document might have text, spreadsheet and presentation parts as "tabs" (not simply inserted parts as ole or other objects, but complete and functional documents).

I do work with Calc- and Draw-objects in my Writer docs and do like it. And the objects are indeed fully functional.
When I need a separate Calc-document, I can isert it as link.... And so on. So currently I do not see the advantage for me.
What would you think would be the advantage?


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