J C Helary wrote:

> roman alphabet ?

Technically, it expects the Latin Writiing System, not the Roman Alphabet.

Rigel wrote:

>do the native-lang projects, have their own discuss lists?

Most individual projects have either discussion lists, or webforums setup.

Finding the webforums is not easy.

For the NLPs whose lists are hosted at OpenOffice.org, the weekly
mailing list stats is the easiest way to find them.  For  the projects
who host their lists elsewhere, finding them can be a problem.

Then there are the localized versions that do not have OOo NLPs. 
Finding native language user support for them can be "difficult".


On a semi-related notes, bugs in the NLP versions can be incredibly
difficult to get fixed. [Incorrect translations are the most common
bug that is specific to a single NLP.]


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