On Sunday 17 April 2005 06:13, Olly Othalian wrote:
> Hi there
> I was typing out a assignment for my university course and
> repeatedly having to refer to notes on spelling new words which I
> had already type out in other paragraphs above.


This already exists, and it is one of my favorite functions in OOo.  
Just click tools > AutoCorrect/AutoFormat and then click on the tab 
that says, "Word Completion" and then left mouse click in the box 
that says enable word completion.  You are all set!

> I then had a brain wave, why can't OpenOffice "look" at what has
> aready been typed within the  currentdocument and offer those
> words up as suggestions along with those in the pre-emptive
> dictionary.
> OpenOffice would not have to offer up all the "regular" words
> like: it, this, and, they, small, etc; it would "look" for
> unusual and less common words. All these words could, at the end
> of the document, be added to the pre-emptive dictionary.
> If this is adopted then it would be something that Microsoft Word
> currently does not possess and save everyone wasting valuable
> time checking spellings.
> Regards
> Othalian
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