
Have you tried taking your problem to the MozillaZine Thunderbird Support forum @ http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewforum.php?f=39 ? I'm pretty sure the solution might be fairly quick and easy.


Mike Finley said the following on :

To All,

I am an avid user of the Open Office, not only for the fact that it is simple to use, but because I am not forced into excessive licensing fees and upgrade costs and items like that. What I have noticed with the Microsoft Office suite that annoys me is I prefer to use Mozilla Thunderbird as my email client, yet when I select that as my Email client under Internet Explorers Tools => Internet Options => Programs tab, I cannot email my text/spreadsheet files directly from the program itself. I am forced once again to select either Outlook Express or Outlook as my email client in order to do so.
Which brings me to my email. Do you at anytime plan on offering a email client that integrates with the Open Office suite? It would be nice to see an email application that also has a tiered contacts list approach that would allow for normal people email addresses and then email addresses for companies for those of us who order online. Once these contacts are constructed, an email spam filter would automatically send anything not in a tiered contacts list to the trashcan and the user would then have the option to add them to one of their contacts list or continue to allow the filter to trash any unwanted email.

Thank you for your time and energy and for providing those of us who cannot afford the Microsoft products with an equivalent option of superior quality.

Mike Finley
Durham, NC

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