On Wednesday 20 April 2005 06:29, + Bimal Kharel wrote:
>  [ MODERATED ] ***********************
> Using Draw (OpenOffice 2.0) I felt the need for a few things:
> 1) When grouped objects are moved one doesn't see an outline/guide WHILE
> moving. 2) It would be great, when zoomed in or if the image is large, to
> be able to move the page around holding some key down and clicking and
> dragging the mouse (Adobe producta and others let you hold the space bar
> down so that might be a good choice) 3) When a member of a group is
> (accidentally) moved or resized the undo option (ctrl-z) does not restore
> the group and even using the mouse to restore the shape is hard.

Hi Bimai,
Can you please report these in issuezilla ? ( http://openoffice.org -> 
"Register", then when you receive a confirmation email, "Login" and "File an 
issue" )
In this way the relevant developers will see your bug report / suggestion and 
you will also see the progress of this feature / bug report if it is 

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