Rich Davenport wrote:
I didn't use open office 1.X.X because I couldn't find an easy way to
print only the even pages or only the odd pages of a docment.  MS
word has an easy way of selecting this in the printer window but it's
not apparent or doesn't exist in Open Office.

Why would anyone want this?  It makes it easy to use a single sided
printer to print both sides of a document.  First one prnts the even
pages and then you flip the stack and put it back in the printer.
Then you print the odd pages.  With a one hudred and some page
document one doesn't want to have to type 1,3,5,7, ..... and so on.
One wants to check "ODD" (or "EVEN").

I have done this for many years with MS Word and am hoping it will be
added to Open Office.  I'm disgusted that it still can't be found in
the printer window of the beta releas of version 2.

It seems like such an easy thing to add, code wise, so why not add it
before the release of version 2?

From the Menu bar: Tools/Options/Text Document/Print...

This does what you have described on a global basis. To achieve a similar result on a per document basis: File/Print/Options...

Peter HB

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