Sophie GAUTIER wrote:

If people saw that, I think we would have made a step forward. Part
of that is seeing that there is progress going on. You know, seeing
light at the end of the tunnel.

imho this is what is worked here :)

Yes, Joerg has been fantastic.

If they can maintain the stability of the current beta releases, I
think that would work well. I know a couple of people who are already
using the beta release as their standard release. I don't because I
still find it too unstable. But it's at the point where people who
are inpatient can start using it (at their own risk).

and help with feedback and IZ confirmation.

Good thinking.

I never managed to figure out the package manager. That was a big barrier for me. That's why I decided that writing macros wasn't worth
my time because none but the most committed members would be able to
install them. The other barrier I hit was documentation.

Now that you can read French, may be you'll find what you search for here :)

It also looks like the system is easier now (with the new package manager). My life is a little crazy right now. But it's certainly something I'll look into in the future.

The issue with site multiplication is the wasting of energy for those who are not speaking English. They need to retrieve informations on OOoMacros, OOoExtras, Code Snippet, Scripting, OOoForums, Darwinwar, Andrew site, etc. Most of the time, all those ressources are simply anusable. This apply to other sites that are created without any care of the NLC which is not a translation machine and may have difficulty with IT depending on the part of the world they are based.

I agree that website proliferation is a problem. Although it's good to use an external website if you need something that can't be done on SourceCast, we should still try to minimize the proliferation of URLs. For example, I think it would be good if (1) code snipets (2) macro documentation and (3) the add-ons themselves were all in one place. I see a lot of value in having those outside SourceCast. For example, you could use Wikis, and you can make it easier for people to upload their add-ins. But I think it should be on one URL, not three.

Cheers, Daniel.

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