On Thursday 21 April 2005 17:35, Paige Miller wrote:
> I am running Windows Me, I have my screen resolution set and
> 1024X768
> When I open Open Office 2.0 Beta Calc, everything looks fine
> EXCEPT the font in the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheets.
> That particular font is appears to be almost unreadable -- way
> too small for my taste, and in fact noticeably smaller than the
> other text on the screen (e.g. smaller than the row numbers in
> the spreadsheet).

Wow, is that a newbie question?  I think that 2.0 is not going to be 
stable for a while, so maybe wait for a bit, say until June or 
July, unless you like to play with betas.  I personally am a simple 
end user, and so I haven't downloaded 2.0 yet.  Call me a chicken, 
but it's true.  Generally speaking, there is a list of different 
help resources for OOo and other open source programs and tutorials 


Not to slam your operating system, but I have heard that there are 
lots of problems with Windows ME.  I am wondering if it might be 
related to that.  Again, I'm a simple end user, so I'm just 
guessing here. 

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