>The add-on concept is something that I started discussing on this list
>last year, moved to the api-dev list. The general view was that the
>word "extension" was better than "add-on".

Cool. We had, fwiw, also discussed it on releases@ several years ago.
But I'm glad it was taken to api-dev.

Thanks for the links!

>To me there are two main components to such a system: 1. An easy way
>for the author of an extension or template to package and upload their
>work. 2. A system within OpenOffice.org for a user to find, download
>and install an extension or template.

Yes; does #2 encompass the creation of for-profit add ons or extensions?
There are lots of those, i'd imagine.  You know, companies that create,
now, things that extend MSO but are interested in the Linux market; or
want to sell to the OOo/SO market. 

>In February I put together a draft wizard for 2. It is available from:

Thanks! I wish I had known about this.

>It is rough and pretty awful but maybe it is a starting point for
>discussing what is needed.


>I also hope that people will use and extend the wiki on writing
>extensions for OpenOffice.org: http://ext.openoffice.org.nz.

Thanks. It'd be nice to form a tighter alliance, too, with the NZ site.  
>Thanks, Ian

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