>On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 16:43, Jonathon Coombes wrote: [snip]
>>> I have put together some basic information regarding the
>>> OpenOffice.org knowledgebase. 
>[snip] On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 19:55, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
>> What technology is being used here?  Also, perhaps we can begin to
>> think of sending people to the KB once it is formally up.  
>I too think the knowledgebase fantastic!
>Between sessions at the Canberra conference the following idea was
>floated with those present and was very positively received:

Yes... it's been discussed for a while; Scott Carr had set up a trial
one on OOoDocs a couple of years ago, and we had tried to do something
like that with users list.  But this latest foray by Jonathan is more

>* That the knowledge base system be presented as the first point of
>call when asking for help. (First page of OpenOffice.org? Information
>in OpenOffice.org help?)

At the least, from the Support page.

>*Greater integration between the current FAQs and the knowledgebase
>system. But the FAQs still be browsable.


>* That if the knowledge base doesn't answer the problem then a message
>gets sent to the users list.

yes. In this way, we can take some of the load off of the users@ list.
It was never meant to handle so many posts!

>* The users list could then have a greater degree of coordination, and
>formal updating of the knowledge base.


>* Those responsible for answering queries on the users list (now that
>fewer queries would be coming through) would be better able to
>identify those issues that should be requests for enhancements or bug
>fixes and put them into Issue Tracker.

yes, that was the original idea.

>In my opinion, such a system would: * Save users having to be on a
>mailing list receiving 100+ emails a day when all they wanted was an
>answer to a question.


>* It would better utilise the volunteer effort.


>* Be a great marketing point.

Who cares?  :-)

>Depending on how the system works it might even be possible to give
>guaranteed response times.

Oh, no. Down that path we are not going.  This is a free project, not a
>As I understand it the technical issues are: * Integrating the FAQ and
>knowledgebase so that one update works in both places.

yes. The same ones as before.  


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