Brandon wrote:

> I was disappointed when I saw that Open office had no grammar check.

What language were you wanting to do the grammar checking in?
There are grammar checkers available for OOo, but they are in beta.

> Grammar check is very helpful for school projects,

Give each student a copy of _Strunk & White_.  
Then teach the student grammar.

The grammar checker for MSO is, at best, inaccurate.

> would love to switch to Openoffice, but it will just not suite my needs the 
> way Microsoft Office does.

The last time I used the grammar checker for OOo, when it claimed
something was a grammatical error, it really was. The same can not be
said for the last time I used the grammar checker for MSO.

Disclaimer:  I am creating a ruleset for a grammar checker for IsiXhosa.


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