During testing and roll out, don't do it all at once. That's a bad habit introduced by MS to create crises. Find one or two early adopters who are interested and have them run a short pilot. Then phase it in one group at a time. As things go well, the pace can be accelerated. Once you're sure that people in one group are settled in you can see of one or two are willing to act as contacts for a while.

I think the biggest obstacle is that many people confuse a single brand with a class of product. Just like many, at least in the US, call all tissue "kleenex" and photocopiers "xerox", many also call all word processors Word. I've even heard individuals refer to WordPerfect as "Word" and even "MS Word", repeatedly.

So, in short, people know that they want word processing, spreadsheets and other productivity tools, but don't know what they're called.

        Software patents harm all Net-based business, write your MEP:

On Tue, 17 May 2005, Alex wrote:
I spent about 6 months researching the general functionality of OOo before finally converting this macro. Once converted, I uninstalled everyones (10 installations) MS Office 97 and installed OOo 1.1.2 (updated as needed to 1.1.4). This has worked well in our situation. No complaints from the general popluation. Everyone just uses it.

You should sell top management on this before going further. There is lot of freedom felt in the whole organization from making a move like this. Indepence is gained. Be sure to let your business constituants know you have made the move.

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