Not rocky enough, there's still little public discussion and what discussion there is focuses on developers, usually only F/OSS developers at that. Patents govern *use* and as such affect everyone who uses a computer, though businesses and larger institutions will feel the brunt of the cost.

Write a paper letter to your representative. If you are outside the EU and do business or collaborate with a EU country, write anyway. See the URL in my sig.

There are two things to consider. First, is the harm presented by replacing copyright with patents. Second, is the violation of process (illegally?) by the European Comission. If the EC had followed the law, then the CIID would not be over in parliament now -- because member states objected to it, it could not have been passed as an A-item, as was claimed.

        Software patents harm all Net-based business, write your MEP:

On Wed, 18 May 2005, Randomthots wrote:

Came across this today:

SW patents in Europe face a rocky road. Good!


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