Hi Jonathan,

Jonathon Blake wrote:

">Start >Program >OpenOffice.Org >Change Language"

And that brings up "Open Office Language >Select Language"  and a
choice of languages.
Highlight the appropriate language.
Click on the "Apply Changes" button.
Start Openoffice. To describe how it works in Windows.

I have never heard of that feature. It certainly was never announced on any our our feature announcement lists. This comes as no surprise, as the OOo project never supported multi-lingual installations out of the box.

You must have gotten your multi-lingual build from some other source (where ?) and that feature must have been added by the creators of that build (who ?). Maybe even source for that is available, but I'd be surprised, if it was in OOo cvs.

So this is not a feature of OOo. It is something added by a third party.

FWIW: The if the applet title really reads "Open Office Language", that is a stong indication that this isn't an OpenOffice.org feature.

If it was in fact contributed back, that was hidden very well; otherwise it might be nice to get it contributed and integrated into our build and installer. BTW: Does it check and warn if an office instance is already running ? (You need to terminate the quickstarter to see the new UI language.)

[If I wasn't still trying to download a usable Linux installation, I'd
describe how to do it in Linux as well.]

Again: Who is providing that installation? Maybe they added this.

Note that to me a command line tool is not a user interface for a desktop end 

That can be easilly made into another desktop GUI.

Yes. But it needs to be done and integrated. If it isn't in a build built straight from OpenOffice.org CVS (including at most some necessary porting PATCHES from OOo Issuezilla), then it isn't an OpenOffice.org feature.

Ciao, Jörg

Joerg Barfurth              Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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